How to ask for a Testimonial? [With 10 Email Templates]

Publish Date:


Jan 20, 2024

5 min read

how to ask for a testimonial

To have the best chance of getting your testimonial, you need to first understand the fundamentals. This whole blog would take a fraction of your time, but would answer the most important question, “how to ask for a testimonial?".

We all business owners have been customers at each point in our lives. If we observe our behavior as customers, it's clear that we consider testimonials for purchase decisions. It can be as small as buying a chocolate because our friend said it's great. Even to the point where we make some life decisions based on friend's and family's suggestions. Two questions should come to your mind right now:

  • Why do customers seek validation in the form of testimonials before making purchase decisions?

  • How does a customer's brain function in this overall situation?

Let's answer these two questions at once across two aspects:

  • Logical

  • Psychological

The Logical Side:
We, as humans, have evolved over a long time. In this process, we have developed an instinct to cross-check before taking the first step into anything. If a previous example exists, we feel more confident in making a decision; this is mostly because we want to remove the surprise element, as this leaves very little room for an error.

Logically, we are rooted in seeking clarity, safety, assurance, validation, and proof before making any decision.

The Psychological Side:
As a species, before we jump on a boat, we trust the inputs given by others who have been in the same boat before. People would rather trust a customer's testimonial when compared to 100+ positive things said by the business directly.

It's shown in a study that 93% of people make purchase decisions after reading online reviews. It's not like we completely don't trust what a business has to say. It's just our subconscious thinking to believe the words from someone who doesn't have any benefit out of us.

Okay, now, we have basic clarity from a customer's perspective about why testimonials matter to them and how their brains process this entire situation.

Now from your business perspective, let's jump in and understand the:

  • Why

  • What

  • How

  • When

Of a testimonial. Your understanding and perception of these topics can lead to making your customers pay 22% more.

Before we start, I just want to wrap up the intro section with one of our quotes.

“Perhaps you're a Picasso, a master of your craft.
But even the greatest need their work to be validated through others' eyes.”

Why Should Testimonials Matter to Any Business?

Why Testimonials Matter to Any Business

You may be the G.O.A.T(Greatest of All Time) at what you do, but through your client's eyes, if you don't showcase the problems you’ve solved, lives you've changed, and the experiences you’ve given, trust us, it's a waste of time whatever you're doing. Because why would you underutilize your chances by not showcasing your value rightfully?

Several articles explain WHY testimonials matter to a business. The fact is, if you're here, reading this, it means as a business owner you've started to understand why it matters. It can help you with scale, diversification, better reach, better revenue, cross-selling, upselling, and WHAT NOT.

Trust me; you don't want your new client to say, “Ohhh!! Thankfully, it turned out great! It was worth every penny!". It's better to remove the surprise factor and let them know each step of a customer's journey through your testimonials, even before they sign up.

Lastly, for this section, I want to say that if you already have the privilege to make your customers decide positively on you, then why not? Because out of 100, 84 people would trust online reviews as much as they'd trust if it came from their friends.

Here's one quick tip to showcase different parts of a customer journey through your testimonials:

Draft your testimonial or customer feedback questions in such a manner that you get answers for what you want to showcase, and then use those testimonials to show different aspects of the entire client journey.

For example, if you wanted to justify your high price, ask a testimonial question such as, “ What did you initially think about the pricing? And what now? “. The answers to this question will validate your pricing much better for your future clients before they make a decision.

So, in this way, draft questions that would address critical points that can be the key to decision-making. Also as said, use this method to showcase the user journey across multiple stages, such as the problems you've solved, how it is to work with you, milestones you've made businesses achieve, etc.

What Makes People Give Testimonials?

how to request a testimonial

Until this point, we are now clear about why we need testimonials to grow our business. Now let's understand the psychology behind what makes people give testimonials.

Let's do that by knowing some of the common triggers, emotions, or situations that make people give you a testimonial.


As the name goes, you need to catch hold of your clients at any moment when you know they might be happy. But why? How many times do you remember saying NO to a small, meaningful favor that someone asked during a happy moment?

About finding that right moment, some suggestions from our side are to reach out to them after they achieved a business goal, reached a milestone, during holidays, on their birthday, or their company's anniversary, etc.

You just need to use some common sense and analyze the basics around your client. Your insights will give you an idea of when to reach out with a high chance of getting that testimonial.


This is the emotion during which your client feels/wants to give back or contribute something. This emotion gets triggered during a couple of situations, particularly in your case, it can be for the way your product/service made their life easy, increased their credibility, or their revenue, etc.

You have to keep track of what's happening with your clients and how your product is helping them; this can give you input on when to reach out. The basic rule is to know when you've done something useful to your client's life, once that's clear, go ahead and request that testimonial.

Eye for an Eye:

This is an age-old trick, "I give you this, you give me that".

When using this method, it's crucial to keep one thing in mind, that is, make sure your approach doesn't influence the honesty in their testimonial.

It's key that you get an unfiltered testimonial. If you fail to maintain a balance in this method and rather overdo it, it would seem to your customers like you're bribing them to get a great testimonial.

Currently, in the market, to maintain a balance while using this method, businesses try not to give incentives directly but rather give them in steps. They also try to ask for testimonials as a favor while offering an incentive and not make it seem like “This for That”.

For example, you can say, “In return for 5 minutes of your time, we want to offer you a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift voucher”.

Just Want to Help:

This is neither a trigger nor an emotion, it defines a category of people altogether. These are the kind of people who just want to help you, but only if they find value in what you do. They tend to help if they find you deserving, it's as simple as that.

You have to look out to find which of your clients fall in this category, and when you do, nurture them. All they want is for you to grow and they'd be ready to help in any means necessary. They just expect you to make more lives easy through your product/service.

Before we wrap this section and move on to understand how to request a testimonial?, know that 77% of people prefer to research on at least 2 review platforms before making a purchase decision. So make it easy for them by importing cross-platform reviews to showcase on your site, and also give them the option to visit the original review site to check the authenticity of what you're showing.

How to Ask for a Testimonial the Right Way?

By “right way”, I mean to speak about what's working for others and what methods they currently use while asking for a testimonial. Here are a couple of working methods that I have divided across 3 segments for easy understanding:

  • Traditional

  • Modern

  • Creative

Traditional Methods for Testimonial Request

Traditional Methods for Testimonial Request

These are the tried and tested methods that have withstood the test of time. Here are four such:

1. Email Request:

One of the oldest digital reach-out methods that works seamlessly even today, and I think people would use this even during an alien invasion to “circle back” to each other.

With over 4.4 billion active email users and with the possibility of 99% open rate, you just need to hit the right chords by using the right content at the right situation.

Whether you wish to do bulk email reachouts with the help of a tool or you want to manually send personalized emails to each of your contacts, it's up to you to take action, and iterate continuously; that's what matters.

2. In-Person Requests

A working method much older than our great-grandparents. As simple as it sounds, you set up a meeting at a time and place where your client feels comfortable, and you meet them in a real setting to collect your testimonial. Be clear on:

  • What do you want out of this meeting and prepare for the same.

  • Know about the person you're meeting.

  • Know why they've agreed to meet you.

  • Know what would motivate them to provide you with a testimonial.

  • Understand why they are doing this.

  • Make sure they have a great time.

  • Know that you're meeting them not only for a testimonial. Have a conversation, build a rapport, and ask for the testimonial when the moment is right.

  • Discuss the next steps in your product vision and how it can further help them.

3. Post Mail

This is like a hybrid between a real meeting and an email. It's physical enough to go straight into their real inbox and grabs their 100% attention. It also saves you the time and effort needed for a physical appointment.

This method holds an old-school charm which can trigger nostalgia for most clients. Try to use this during the holidays or to congratulate/appreciate your client for reaching/achieving a milestone.

4. Google Reviews

This is not a method to ask for a testimonial; rather, it's something that matters when getting your testimonial through any of the methods.

91% of people read Google reviews before visiting a business. Make sure you have a clean and neat Google Business Profile that has all the factual information correct while you also showcase your credibility through Google reviews.

Modern Methods for Testimonial Request

Modern Methods for Testimonial Request

Here are some of the modern methods working for businesses like yours:

1. Social Media

To collect testimonials through social media, you need to first figure out where your clients/ideal customers are active. You can start posting on those platforms to get noticed while providing value. This will increase your recall value and, in turn, increase your chances to get a testimonial when you reach out.

You can also reach out to your clients directly on these platforms. When you post valuable stuff, and your clients engage in that by any means, reach out to them and build a conversation. Eventually, see if there's a space to ask for a testimonial, if yes, go ahead and ask for it.

There are fewer chances that you would annoy your clients on social media. So, post relevant stuff at least once a day and twice on weekends. This is a long-term game so keep at it. It'll connect like a part of a puzzle when you need it the most, and it'll also help you get new leads, signups, demos, understand your client activities, etc.

2. Website Pop-Ups

If done right, this won't annoy your clients and can fetch you that testimonial. Just try not to shove it on their face and also make it easy for them to quickly close the pop-up if they want to.

Remember the thumb rule is to create a touch point of getting a testimonial, but not at the cost of user experience.

3. Testimonial Tools & CRM

In this method or decision, we would suggest you not only go for the best but also the right CRM or testimonial tool that suits you perfectly. With the right tool, all you'd have to do is use your brain to connect the dots while the tool takes care of all the time-consuming stuff.

For collecting testimonials, you can use the tool to create a landing page. The page should be simple and meaningful. When creating your landing page, do it according to the type of trigger/emotion/situation you want to approach the client with. Also, it's important to give your clients multiple options to provide their testimonials, such as audio, video, or textual. Also, once you have the testimonial, use the tool to safely manage everything over a cloud server.

There are a bunch of tools available in the market to help you with this. If you've been able to relate well to our way of explaining in this blog so far, then Feedspace might be the right tool for you. The tool has garnered a community of 100k+ users worldwide in a short period. After you finish this blog, you can book a demo to know how Feedspace can help your business level up.

4. Live Chat or Chatbots

As the title goes, it's a simple chatbot that pops up when you visit a website. But here, we are trying to create a situation in which the bot communicates with clients to get a testimonial.

The bot does what you program it to do, so design the questions and flowchart such that the bot would try to get a testimonial from a client without annoying them.

Creative Methods for Testimonial Request

Creative Methods for Testimonial Request

In this section, things are limitless, this is the segment where crazy is normal. You can think of anything you want to do here, but just maintain a fine line so you don't end up annoying your clients or, worst case, losing them. Here are a few creative methods that are working for others:

1. Gamify the Process

We humans are naturally inclined towards challenges, competition, achievements, and status. You can create something like a loyalty program, or any engagement program that keeps the user occupied like a game does.

In your user journey, provide badges, rewards, etc. At one point in your user journey, set up a task that requires your user to provide a testimonial to get their reward and move ahead.

2. QR Codes

You can use this method in two mediums, one being digital and the other being physical. Start by connecting your testimonial landing page to the QR code. Use your common sense on where, how, and when to use it, and you're good to go.

For example, here's a high-performing testimonial form used by one of our clients.

Form for Testimonial Request

The client connected this form to a QR code, and he used to project it on a large screen after his group meetings were done with clients. He offered them free materials if they'd scan and provide a testimonial.

QR code to get customer testimonials

3. In-App Prompts

Just like a website pop-up, this one follows the same essence. You try to get a testimonial by strategically placing a few in-app prompts.

What's crucial is that you need to have a solid logic behind your targeting strategy, and then you can expect results from this.

4. Receipts

In a physical or digital receipt, you can add the link or a QR code. This link/QR should connect people to the landing page of your testimonial collection form. This can be a good touchpoint addition to increase your chances of getting a testimonial.

For example, mention in the receipt that they’d get a 10% offer on their next purchase if they provide a review through the given link or QR code.

Before we wrap up this section on “How” to ask for a testimonial. You need to know that you can't capture testimonials just by trying one of the above methods. It works best when you combine a couple of methods and create multiple touch points, and you need to create the touch points such that they won't annoy your client at any point in time.

“Like an engine’s parts, multiple touchpoints need to work simultaneously to get your testimonial.”

When to Ask Customers For Testimonials?

When to Ask Customers For Testimonials

It's crucial to have your timing right. If you get the timing right, your chances of getting the testimonial will be high despite any methods you choose. Here's 6 pointers that can help you with the timing:

1. After a Successful Project Completion

Once a client's project/service is completed. You can reach out to them through any one of the methods which best fits the situation.

Make sure to execute this at the right time, because their brain would be filled with positive thoughts related to completing that project. You wouldn't want to lose this chance.

2. Right After Positive Feedback

Ask for a testimonial right after you receive positive feedback from your client. For example, it can be during a regular conversation, during a mail exchange, social media, etc.

Appreciate your client for their positive feedback and utilize that situation by politely requesting a testimonial; don't overdo it. Make them know why their testimonial matters to you and your business.

3. After a Milestone or Significant Achievement

You need not necessarily wait for your clients to complete their entire journey; rather, try to reach out to them for a testimonial after they achieve a milestone.

When you do this, don't make it obvious that you're reaching out only for a testimonial. Check on them in terms of their experience so far, their perspectives, suggestions of what can be done better, etc. Their insights will help to improve your product/service.

The overall conversation will strengthen your relationship with them and can set up an environment that feels more natural to get a testimonial.

4. During the Renewal or Repurchase Process

When your client is renewing or repurchasing your product or service, it shows that they liked what they received and that's why the repeat order is happening.

Utilize this moment and ask for a testimonial, and of course, explain to them how much this matters and what this means to you and your business. Discuss with them what they liked so far and what features they need/want going further.

5. At the End of a Trial Period

When a user's trial period is about to end, reach out to them through any one of the methods such as email, social media, etc. To reach out over mail, select one of the email templates we've given in this blog.

At the end of a free trial, when you reach out to a user to understand their experiences so far and what could be improved. It shows them your ethics and values in terms what a customer means to you.

Once you instill this image of yours in them. It becomes much easier to request a testimonial and also gives you the chance to smoothly sell them the paid service.

6. After Resolving a Problem Successfully

Whenever a problem/token is raised by a client. Be quick enough to make sure that the resolution time doesn't affect the client's business. Stay in touch with the client throughout the resolution process, constant updates ensure that they aren't left in the dark.

Your client is supposed to feel seen, heard, and understood. Once the problem has been solved, reach out to them to apologize and assure them that this won't happen. If you find the client to be in a positive mood during this interaction, politely request them for a testimonial.

We are now done with the testimonial fundamentals from your business perspective. Here's what we've learned so far:

  • Why testimonials should matter to your business.

  • What emotions/situations/triggers can make your client give a testimonial.

  • How to ask for a testimonial, and a couple of suggested methods.

  • When to ask for it, with a few example situations.

If you observe a pattern in everything you've read so far. You would've seen that the chances to get a testimonial are more easily created when you provide your clients with a service/product that makes their life easy, grows their business, etc. It's also crucial that you make them feel seen, heard, and understood.

“Diligence is the mother of good luck.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Testimonial Request Email Templates (10 Samples)

10 Testimonial Request Email Templates

These are 10 email templates curated based on what's working for businesses right now:

1. Direct Request Email

When to Use:

You can use this for long-term clients who are happy with your service/product. This is ideal when you already have a strong and personal relationship with the client.

What It Includes:

A friendly approach that appreciates your client's trust and bond with you. After building the rapport, you politely ask for a testimonial by mentioning what it means to you.

Testimonial Request Email Template 1:

Why It Works:

The personal touch makes it sound genuine and sincere. It's grounded and it respects the client's time. It builds on existing trust and rapport, so the charges of a response are high.

2. Post-Purchase or Post-Service Follow-Up Email

When to Use:

Right after your client has purchased your product/service, or after experiencing your service for a while.

What It Includes:

A personalized approach that appreciates them for their trust and belief. It checks upon them and politely requests them for a testimonial through a link by mentioning why it matters.

Testimonial Request Email Template 2:

Why It Works:

It's personalized and targeted for the situation. It shows your gratitude towards their trust and belief. It politely asks them for a testimonial while explaining why it matters.

3. Personalized Testimonial Request

When to Use:

Use this when you want your mail to be highly personalized. This makes sense for situations where a testimonial from a specific client matters.

What It Includes:

It contains personalization along with an event that is unique to a client's journey. Lastly, a respectful way of asking for the testimonial by mentioning why it matters.

Testimonial Request Email Template 3:

Why It Works:

It's highly personalized, polite, grateful, and authentic. This has a high chance of working out as you're building upon the current rapport with them.

4. Incentive-Based Request Email

When to Use:

It's best to use this with your trail users and not-so-old clients. Try to avoid using this with clients that you have a good-old bond with.

What It Includes:

An approach that first shows gratitude for a client's trust and time. It presents the incentive as a token of gratitude, and asks for a testimonial without making it seem like “This for That”.

Testimonial Request Email Template 4:

Why It Works:

It's conversational and offers the incentive for their trust in you, and it asks for a testimonial as a favor by mentioning why it matters to you. Doesn't make it sound like a bribe.

5. The Success Story Email

When to Use:

Use it when you know that your client is succeeding. Reach out to them with the main purpose of wanting to feature their success story, while also asking for a testimonial in the end.

What It Includes:

An approach that appreciates their success. Shows gratitude for choosing you to be part of their journey. Speaks about featuring their success story, and lastly, asks for a testimonial as a favor.

Testimonial Request Email Template 5:

Why It Works:

Your intended actions show your client that you root for their success and also what they mean to you. Meanwhile, it also asks for their testimonials as a favor by mentioning why it matters.

6. The Nudge Email

When to Use:

Send this to a client who has had a great experience with you, but might just need a little nudge to share their testimonial.

What It Includes:

A straightforward approach showcasing your gratitude towards their trust. A small nudge to make them share a testimonial.

Testimonial Request Email Template 6:

Why It Works:

There's a friendly tone that encourages them to provide a testimonial by showing our gratitude towards their trust. It's simple, effective, and humanistic.

7. The VIP Client's Email

When to Use:

Use this for a long-term, high-value client whom you have a strong bond with.

What It Includes:

You'll acknowledge their time and support. Speak about a few personalized aspects while showing your gratitude towards them. Lastly, request a testimonial by mentioning what that means to you.

Testimonial Request Email Template 7:

Why It Works:

It makes them feel seen and valued. It builds on the current relationship and it also showcases the reason why you want that testimonial.

8. The Exclusive Feature Email

When to Use:

This is a bit similar to the success story email. The difference is that the client need not necessarily have a success story to get featured. For example, you can feature a client that offers something unique, or feature someone that's solving a crucial problem, etc. Use this to feature the kind of clients who deserve to be seen and heard by the world.

What It Includes:

You ask permission to feature their story by mentioning the reason. You show that you root for their success and are grateful to feature them. Lastly, request them to provide their testimonial by mentioning what it means to you.

Testimonial Request Email Template 8:

Why It Works:

It makes your client feel seen and validated by requesting them to feature their story. It's crisp, authentic, and sincere.

9. The Festival or Holiday Email

When to Use:

This will be perfect for use during any festival season. Your clients will mostly be in a great mood and will be reflective on things around them.

What It Includes:

Wishing your client a specific holiday. Let them know about your gratefulness towards this bond and their trust. Lastly, ask them for a testimonial by mentioning why it matters.

Testimonial Request Email Template 9:

Why It Works:

You're hitting the right spot at the right moment. People are usually more reflective during festivals.

10. The Thank you Email

When to Use:

Use this when there’s a situation with a client who deserves to be thanked. For example, it can be for the trust they showcased, a referral they gave, or the understanding they showed, etc.

What It Includes:

An approach that shows gratitude from your end. It shows them what they mean to you. Lastly, a request for their testimonial by mentioning why it matters.

Testimonial Request Email Template 10:

Why It Works:

You're keeping it real and appreciating them for the trust they've showcased in you. This creates an atmosphere in which you can smoothly ask for a testimonial.

How to Get Customers to Provide Testimonials?

how to ask customers for testimonials

If you've read so far, here's the final nudge to take your first step. The below pointers should help:

1. Offer Discounts or Perks: Reward Their Effort

Select one of the relevant email templates from this blog, select your mailing list, and kickstart your incentive-based reach-out.

Here's a statistic:
Out of 100, more than 50 people would likely give you a referral if you offered them an incentive. Go ahead and take your chance.

You can also create a website pop-up that gives a 10% discount coupon in turn for their testimonial. Your users can avail the coupon during their next purchase.

2. Start a Loyalty Program: Keep Them Engaged

It's a long game but works wonders, so no harm in kickstarting it immediately. Design a loyalty program that keeps users engaged across the entire journey. A study shows that 32% of loyal customers are part of a loyalty program.

In the program, set targets/milestones that offer users rewards. One such target/milestone should be to provide a testimonial in turn for a $10 Amazon gift voucher.

3. Show Gratitude: Thank Them for Their Effort

As they say, kindness doesn't cost a penny. But it's one of the things that is lacking in the current business world.

Select one of the relevant email templates from this blog, select your mailing list, and kickstart your gratitude-based reach-out. Don't do it for the sake of it, be authentic and mean what you say.

While asking for a testimonial, make sure your landing page has multiple options for users such as audio, video, and text. Because each has a preference of their own.

4. Feature Their Stories: Celebrate Their Success

Remember, it's never YOU vs I, it's always been WE. If you find your clients doing something that deserves a shoutout, reach out to them to feature their stories. It doesn't matter even if they are not a paid user. Select one of the email templates, make your list, and start immediately.

This approach makes your client feel seen, heard, valued, and, most importantly, validated. When you ask for a testimonial, they wouldn't mind giving one because of the atmosphere you've created in that mail.

5. Provide Ready-Made Templates: Make It Easy

This isn't a reach-out idea; rather, it's to tell you about a crucial factor. When you ask for a testimonial, there's a chance that your clients might shy away because they don't know how to give one. So make sure that you've added a few testimonial templates to your landing page to make it easy for them. Also, mention this in your reach-out message, so they know it'll be quick and easy.

6. Combine Testimonials with Referrals: Maximize Value

This is a deadly combo, select one of the relevant email templates from this blog and reach out to your clients asking for a testimonial and also a referral at the same time.

To pull this off, either the situation should be that great which can make them give you this, or you need to give them an incentive and get this. Try this on someone who recently completed their project, or achieved a milestone that mattered, or, you can follow the quote from the Godfather movie, “I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse”.

7. Start a Rewards Program: Turn Feedback into Benefits

The reward program is more of a short game when compared to a loyalty program. Create your reward program with touch points that will ensure an immediate reward for users who opt to provide you with a testimonial.

To start with, immediately, you can create a chatbot pop-up that says, “Take part in our 5-minute reward program and get a FLAT 15% discount during your next renewal”.

The 5-minute program would require them to give their testimonial in return for the reward. Make sure their honesty in the testimonial isn't influenced due to the reward.

How Feedspace Makes Testimonial Requests Effortless?

Use Feedspace form to request a testimonial

There are a lot of testimonial tools out there that offer a bunch of benefits and features while they compete with each other to be the best.

Feedspace is a bit different. We do offer the best-in-class features and benefits at the most affordable pricing, but what makes us different?

It's the “Why” behind everything we do. We have designed every inch of this tool by keeping one thought in mind, "Why?". From your shoes, we have thoroughly analyzed the logical and psychological aspects to make this tool useful.

In the last year, we've garnered over 452+ paid customers and 100,000+ users worldwide. The numbers speak for themselves.

We'd be happy to connect with you over a demo call [CTA] and discuss how we can help you take your business to the next level.

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