If you want to boost your social media marketing strategy, knowing key marketing statistics is a great start.
Social media stats show you what your audience likes and does, and what’s trending in the industry. This helps you tweak your marketing strategies to get more engagement and better returns.
Stats also let you see how you’re doing compared to others and spot new chances to grow.
Check out the marketing statistics below to guide your efforts in 2024 and beyond.
Social media usage statistics
We all spend a lot of time on social media. To understand how much, let's look at some social media usage statistics.
Below is a quick overview of changing social media demographics and usage, which networks are growing, and how engaged users are.
In 2024, there are expected to be 5.17 billion social media users worldwide.
The number of social media users worldwide grew by 320 million people from January 2023 to January 2024.
Growth may seem slow because so many people already use social media. This means there are still huge opportunities for marketers and advertisers.
With users on multiple platforms, brands need to take a multi-channel approach. Make use of emerging platforms like TikTok to reach new audiences and stand out from the competition.
Social media advertising statistics
As organic reach decreases on most platforms, paid social media advertising is essential for reaching your target audience. Learn more about social advertising stats to shape your strategy.
Total spending on social media advertising is projected to reach $219.8 billion in 2024.
By 2028, $255.8 billion of social media ad spending is expected to come from mobile.
Total ad spend growth is forecasted at 6.1% in 2024.
B2B Marketing is always changing. To succeed, you need to know the latest trends and stats. Here are some important points about the rise of AI, account-based marketing, and social marketing tools in B2B.
46% of B2B companies will invest in account-based marketing (Source)
45% of marketers will use more social marketing tools (Source)
43% of marketers will use more marketing analytics tools (Source)
42% of marketers will use more video marketing tools (Source)
41% of B2B companies will invest in video marketing (Source)
81% of non-executive B2B employees help make company purchase decisions (Source)
76% of B2B companies have a formal marketing plan (Source)
B2B Marketing Budgets Statistics
B2B companies usually spend 9.7% of their budget on marketing (CMO Survey)
45% of B2B companies will spend more on content marketing in the next year (CMI)
69% of B2B marketers will spend more on video marketing in 2024 (CMI)
Digital ad spending will reach $645.8 billion by 2024 (eMarketer)
Testimonials Improve Web Traffic and SEO
Search engines aim to provide the best results for users, which means reviews and testimonials affect business rankings. Using testimonials can improve SEO and attract more search traffic.
Websites with testimonials saw a 45% traffic increase compared to those without. (Yotpo)
Having 10 or more reviews boosted traffic by 15 to 20% on Google Business listings. (Big Commerce)
Improving star ratings from 3 to 5 stars can raise Google clicks by up to 25%. (Bright Local)
Businesses with 5 stars earned 69% of total clicks among top Google listings. (Bright Local)
Reviews are 9.8% of total search engine ranking factors. (Search Engine Watch)
Marketing Technology Statistics
64% of businesses think chatbots will help them give better, personalized support to their customers.
93% of marketers enjoy gamification, which turns tasks into fun games.
88% of B2B marketers plan to turn 10 to 30% of their content into interactive formats.
ChatGPT, a popular AI tool, is mainly used by tech and education companies.
42% of marketers want to spend more on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
33% of marketers who don’t use automation or artificial intelligence (AI) now plan to do so.
34% of retail customers are okay with talking to AI chatbots instead of live support agents.
SEO trends and stats
The average result for voice searches is about 29 words. To stay competitive in voice search, make sure your brand's organic results are short and use strong words to quickly get your message across.
Google's algorithm considers over 200 factors when ranking a website.
A quarter of small business websites don't have an H1 tag.
It's well-known that content marketing is crucial for business growth—brands that blog have 434% more indexed pages than those that don't.
46% of all Google searches are for local products or services.
Approximately 92% of keywords have ten or fewer searches per month.
If local SEO is important for your brand, you're in luck since 28% of local searches lead to a purchase within 24 hours.
Digital Marketing trends
86% of consumers want more video content from their favorite brands.
73% of customers are more likely to spend with a fully transparent brand.
76% of brands used marketing automation in the past year.
In 2024, 42% of businesses plan to increase their spending on AR and VR strategies.
US ecommerce revenue grew by 7% from 2021 to 2022. By 2023, it was expected to reach $1,001.5 billion.
About 60% of marketers are unfamiliar with or don't understand their Core Web Vitals.
49% of businesses say they grow revenue faster by using video content.
To wrap it up, knowing your marketing statistics can really boost your business game. These numbers give you the info you need to make smarter moves, reach more people, and succeed. Don't just glance at these stats—use them! Stay on top of trends, tweak your plans, and be ready to change things up. Marketing keeps changing, and keeping up with the latest marketing statistics will keep you ahead. Happy marketing!