Mastering 1:1 Feedback through Cultural Shifts
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Mastering 1:1 Feedback through Cultural Shifts

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Now, whether it comes as guilt washed over us or loud applause. Feedback is what everyone looks forward to because it’s the only way we get to know if what we are doing makes any sense or not.
Every business and company has guidelines on how feedback should be handled. A strong company culture welcomes feedback and uses it to foster the growth of every professional working there.testimonials.
Now even with the best intention, receiving feedback comes with a pinch of salt. Not everyone is great at that.
The person receiving that tends to feel hurt, increased tension or feel unaccomplished altogether. Especially if feedback isn’t respectful to the person.
Now you don’t necessarily mean to hurt anyone with what you say but understand the cultural values before going full-on criticism mode.
As Naval Ravikant says, “Praise specifically, criticise generally.” He advises, “Praise by name, criticise by category.” It’s a fantastic way to approach people management and the art of giving feedback.
Giving great feedback is a skill, it takes practice, learning and patience. Feedback should be a part of your strong culture, we practice feedback here at our team and we strive to keep it that way. No one is surprised by the reviews, they know that they would get to know what they have done wrong.
In a culture where trust and truth are the pillars of the organisation. Understanding how to ask for feedback is equally important.

Here are some very important things to keep in mind to give constructive and useful feedback.

Set for a culture of truth and transparency

If you don’t have the feeling of psychological safety in your organization you can’t expect people to be true about their feelings.
Employees need to feel supported and they shouldn’t be worried about whether they are doing a good job or not all the time.
Insecurity among themselves is the last thing you want them to have.
Questioning one’s capabilities every now and then is a lack of a growth mindset.
From, the hiring process to the working progress
Everything should showcase a growth mindset. Before giving feedback we should look if the employee is the right receiver for it.
When we hire get to know if… The candidate is a lifelong learner? Someone who independently pursues growth? or How do they talk about failure and how they would respond to it?

Recognise growing and getting better

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A lot of times when a candidate is actually performing well it is the time when you focus on letting them know how they have excelled.
Complimenting them is a great way to boost their confidence in their work and help them further grow.

A community survey

Now, this is something new and recommended to every organisation that wants to promote good feedback in their culture. Create a survey for your employees and let them fill it anonymously so you can get to know, what you can actually help people with.
Just like a community survey. We can let employees know what they are good and bad at, it’s equally important for you to know what you can polish in the culture, business or among yourself.
This would create a feeling of equality and liberation among your employees and they would feel comfortable letting you know how you can handle some things great.
After all, we’re all lifelong students and we want to learn.

Understand the best capabilities of your team

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A lot of times we have multiple assumptions about what we think is right. Just because someone commits a mistake it doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t care about the project or they just can’t care enough about the company’s growth.
But it might be because they didn’t understand the project well or it might be the hidden perfectionist in them.
There might be some performance issues that we can totally take care of after a hearty conversation.
But assuming their worst is totally not the way you should start with anything.

Set clear expectations around feedback

You should let the organisation know the standards. Let them know what it looks like to consistently convey their messages clearly to the other person. Organisational expectations are a good way to create a clear structure for everyone to follow.
Address –

   1.How often are we giving feedback?

   2.What would be the end goal?

   3.How we give feedback?

   4.Who gives feedback?

   5.Who’s the receiver?

Make it a routine

Practice obviously makes perfect so it’s important that we do have one routine for almost everything.
Including feedback. Maybe, every Saturday your team gets to hear what they did great! Or, what was the result that you observed?
Or something which lets them know their potential and how they can take care of the next time if something has not gone as planned.

Getting feedback from customers/ clients

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Now as important as it is for us to understand what our employee thinks within the organization The key to good feedback would also be the people whom you’re serving.
When you would get to know what they think about your business and the products. You would be able to spread that across your organisation and help your employees to understand what other people are looking at it as.
We need to understand what we can do the best.
And, we have been able to do that the best with our own product. As feed space lets you get a customer testimonial video.
So, it’s not just that, you get their written and polished words, but you get to see what they feel about you in a non-filtered video.
We have been collecting customer testimonial videos for our organisation for the longest time.
It has also helped us in our onboarding processes and it has helped us improve what we are doing at different levels.

So in conclusion

It’s all about giving someone a chance to put their best foot forward with the best feedback and get them into action.
Life is too short to be climbing the wrong mountain. This means time, practice and patience should be the strongest pillars for your organisation to be rich in receiving and giving feedback.
I hope you found this article helpful. We’re writing so many more like it so keep yourself in the loop and give Feedspace customer testimonial video a try. You might get stuck with the feeling of not just reading but listening to your feedback across your organisation.

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