Candidate screening | Candidate feedback


Reduce Hiring
Costs- Automate

Save time and money with one-way
interviews and video CVs

Work portfolio

Simplify Hiring

One-way video interviews are the perfect way to:

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How can you use Feedspace?

Gather in-house feedback

You can collect feedback for events, seminars, webinars, onboarding processes, etc. To improve internal operations and enhance social media presence!

Resume screening

Instead of presenting long resumes on paper, candidates can record video responses for questions about qualification and experience relevant to you.

Candidate screening

Automate the hiring process by collecting video recordings for the interview questions. It will help you save time and maximize your productivity!

Frequently Asked Questions

Video screening is a type of interview process that is conducted remotely. It is a cost-effective way of conducting a screening process.

Video CV is a video recording an applicant sends as their resume. It is a way to complement traditional CVs and make their application more impactful.

There is no standard template or time limit for video CVs. However, a good practice is to keep it short and crisp. Usually, a 1-2 minute recording is sufficient to convey all the relevant details.

A video CV provides a personal touch and helps candidates stand out in the hiring process. It displays your verbal communication and presentation skills. It also shows the recruiters that you are comfortable with technology.

Trusted by organizations, teams & freelancers all over the world

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