Feedspace for Influencers: Amplify your Influence on Social Media
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Grow your influence with Feedspace

An authentic way to influence your career ahead. Make your social media your portfolio. And a simple link, your best-ever referral

What we can do

Leverage the power of reviews on every social platform you're in. Create what your audience and brands want

Easy to Adapt
and Implement

A new change doesn't have to be

Easy to Adapt and Implement

A new change doesn't have to be challenging.

Start influencing better than ever

Reviews are the modern credentials that establish authority and build trust.
Your followers can be the key to a better personal brand
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Join the Feedspace Community

Become a part of the community that is determined to go above and beyond
to build better businesses

Here's how

Positive feedback can help influencers build their brand and increase their following, as well as reinforce their relationships with their existing followers

All you have to do is:


Sign-up to Feedspace


Create a modal for text and video feed


Share the link with your audience or embed it in your website

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Share the received responses with your network on social media, your website, emails, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

An influencer testimonial is a positive review of a product or service written by a social media influencer.
Influencer testimonials can be used to increase brand awareness, boost sales, and build trust with potential customers.

You can capture client testimonials by asking for them directly, either via email or in person. You can easily embed Feedspace in your website to get testimonials easily or attach the link to your socials.

    How do you present testimonials on social media? There are multiple ways you can present testimonials on your social media.
  1. Post screenshots of testimonials on your feed.
  2. Create testimonials highlight reel on Instagram.
  3. You can share the link to Feedspace under your profile for people to see the public testimonials.
    Even the best format for a testimonial will vary depending on the product/ service and influencer. This can be a great common format:
  1. Quotes- Simplest format. This consists of a short quote from a customer about your service. Easy to understand and can be used in a variety of marketing materials.
  2. Testimonial videos – This format is more visually appealing than quotes. It can be a great way to tell a story about your product or service.
  3. Case studies- More detailed than quotes and testimonial videos, they can provide an in-depth look at your service and product.
    There are a number of tools that can be helpful for influencers, here’s the list of the most important ones.
  1. A social media management tool like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Later.
  2. A content creation tool like Canva, Adobe Spart, and InShot.
  3. An analytics tool like Google Analytics, Social Blase, and Crowdfire.
  4. A Collaboration tool like Trello and Asana.
  5. A CRM tool like HubSpot, Salesforce, and more.
  6. A media kit
  7. An all-in-one testimonial tool to build authority like Feedspace.

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